Wanam Kit Xposed Module APK Android App Download
Wanam Kit Xposed Module APK Android game info
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Nexus and Google Edition of Samsung Htc... Android KitKat 4.4+ Stock Roms. Wanam Kit is an Xposed module that will able users to tweak their Android device system and framework.
- It Requires Xposed Framework 2.4 (Bridge API 42+): http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1574401
Customize your Stock Rom with a lot useful features:- Enable Numeric battery
- Clock position (Right, Center, Left, Hide)
- Change Color and Typeface of the Battery text
- Disable Scrolling cache
- Skip Music with Volume buttons
- Disable screen turn ON while plunging or unplugging AC/USB cable
- Disable loud volume sound warning
- Advanced Power menu: (Thanks to CM/C3C076/Kennethso168 @xda)
- Reboot
- Recovery
- HotBoot
- Download
- Screen capture
- Screen recording (Busybox required)
- Quick Dial number (+ Display number)
- On/Off Data
- Enable Data Roaming on home network only (Thanks to Oma @xda)
- Torch (Flashlight) Through Volume UP button
- Long back kill App
- CM Circle Battery
- Hide/Set Color of Battery Text
- Expand all notifications
- Add and option to kill all app activities (requires granting Root access to System user)
- Enable Heads up notifications (Optional ongoing notifications and display delay customization)
- Disable Swipe gestures (keep double tap) for the devices that support it.
- And much more to come
- Make sure you have a working Root access
- Download Xposed Installer, Run it and install Xposed framework then Reboot your device
- Open Xposed Installer, activate Wanam Xposed then Reboot you device
- Enjoy!
- SuperUser: Reboot/Fast Reboot device and activating Xposed module
- Internet: Ads to support my work
- WRITE EXTERNAL STORAGE: Save/Restore Backups
- Camera and Wake-lock to run the Flashlight
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